The aim of the TrAM project (2018-2023) was to develop a zero emission fast going passenger vessel through advanced modular production. The project was revolutionary both in terms of zero emission technology and manufacturing methods, and will contribute to making electric-powered high-speed vessel competitive in terms of both cost and the environment. The TrAM project vessel Medstraum is currently operating a daily route in Stavanger, Norway.
If you have questions regarding the TrAM project, please contact Maritime CleanTech:

TrAM nominated for prestigeous EU sustainability award
The TrAM project and Medstraum is announced as a finalist in the 2023 European Sustainable Energy Awards. You can vote for TrAM using this link: EUSEW Awards: World’s first fully electric

Medstraum keeps making waves
In the latest Euronews Ocean documentary, the focus is set to clean ships and how electricity propels the shipping industry forward. Medstraum was, of course, featured as a key example.

Integrating waterborne transport to urban mobility hubs
As new low and zero-emission technologies for passenger transport become available, a new question arises: How do we integrate them to urban mobility systems? The TrAM project gathered leading experts