Tonje Hovland

Medstraum keeps making waves 

Medstraum keeps making waves 

In the latest Euronews Ocean documentary, the focus is set to clean ships and how electricity propels the shipping industry forward. Medstraum was, of course, featured as a key example.  

In this must-watch short documentary, we see Euronews producer Denis Loctier make a deep dive into solutions for a sustainable shipping future. He explores innovative, non-polluting, and revolutionary solutions for how we transport goods and passengers. As Medstraum checks all the boxes, she was an obvious choice for the filmmakers.  

Producers visited project partners Servogear, Fjellstrand, and Kolumbus to learn more. From their offices in Bømlo, Norway, Servogear explained the technological principles behind the groundbreaking propulsion system designed for Medstraum. Propeller, rudder, and other components were specifically optimized for this ferry, and are now proving to work with even higher efficiencies than expected. Energy savings are especially important when designing battery-powered vessels.  

At Fjellstrand, R&D/Sales manager Edmund Tolo showed the film crew how their innovative design and production methods are making fully electric vessels even cheaper to design and produce. Modularity has been a key principle in the TrAM project, and in the movie this is further elaborated to the audience.  

When visiting Medstraum in Stavanger, project coordinator Mikal Dahle from Kolumbus takes the crew onboard for a ride. He shows them just how the vessel operates, and we get to hear from satisfied passengers and ferry crew.  

For the full experience, check out the documentary here!  

Posted by Tonje Hovland in Nyheter